Original (but fixed) long post, rescued from the bowels of @lnxw48a1 's # ( https://nu.federati.net/notice/441071 ):

TIL 1: The en.qrwp.org/fossa_%28animal%29 is a real animal species, not just some vaguely hyena-like animal made up for the Madagascar movie.

TIL 2: "Malagasy", of Madagascar

TIL 3: en.qrwp.org/carnivorans (of the clade carnivora) aren't just any old flesh-eater, but specifically the canines and felines put together.

TIL 4: en.qrwp.org/Malagasy_language is Austronesian, or more specifically, Malayo-Polynesian, which means exactly what it sounds like. Someone traveled an awfully long way and Madagascar has been kept pretty separate from the African mainland not just ecologically but also linguistically.

Thanks, Hollywood!