@windigo I'm considering trying out Django - @lnxw48 suggested you may ave 'played around' with it. If so: what would you say: worth learning or not? and why?
@mk I would say it's worth learning, especially if you already know python. Most of my stumbles were related to poor python knowledge. :)
@windigo my knowledge of python is minimal so I was thinking learning Django might be a way to learn python as well.
@mk I found that not knowing python tended to exacerbate my issues in Django; it's doable, but you end up going down rabbit-holes. :)
@windigo well, after more poking around I've decided I'll try it. Found a really nice tutorial to start with.But before I go down that path I need to solve my hardware problems and see how I can do a fresh install of Debian - prefera…
@mk Good luck on all accounts! :)
@mk aptitude search '~i!~M'
@xrevan86 ooh, nifty! thank you :)