@vanden Yes, #Smalltalk is really about objects through and through. I've never seen another OO lang that does it better. @mk
@lnxw48 does that mean you've never seen Smalltalk? ;-)
@mk oh wait, I read that wrong. #gettingtired (bookmarking stuff on ebay but I should go into my #hammock)
@mk I've done a little exploration of #Squeak, #Pharo, #GNU, #VisualWorks versions of #Smalltalk. I like them all, though VW's GUI needed updating last time I used it.
@lnxw48 VisualWorks is what we used at the office. I played around some with Dolphin, too. Tere's a steep learning curve to 'get' how it works, but once past that hurdle development can be very fast. But we found it rather lacking in…
@mk VisualWorks and ObjectStudio played a part in bringing me here. Former Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist James Robertson was testing !Twitter for marketing purposes, so I joined and loved it. Which led to my joining similar networks including #Identi.ca.
@lnxw48 ha! that's nice!