battling with Samba server to make Nikola accessible by (Windows) Marie - halfway there: Marie can *see* Nikola, but not browse any files. Something to do with 'User-Level Security', I think
@mk cannot browse any files or cannot browse any shares? There is a 'browsable' or 'browseable' option for smb.conf per defined share.
@mcscx took me reading several pages (yet again) and finally I could guess the 'missing piece' - after all the other things I did, I need a section for each 'share' to be created in smb.conf. now it works!
@mk yes, that's how the samba server gets told which of your directories you want to share.
@mcscx I just wonder why I've never found a tutorial that says: if you want to share this directory, this is what you do... and this is not the first time I've tried to set this up and searched all over the place for hints... Now I hope the whole procedure (in !debian) applies to #! and Fedora as well...
@mk afaik Samba is everwhere the same. Better stay away from config frontends like SuSE's yast, swat etc. Dont know Fedora, #! = no problem
@mcscx first I tried was in Fedora, trying sample configs, visual frontend and manual tweaking. It never quite worked... and I read a ton of documents, far more than I did now (but I did learn a few things, at least)
@mcscx sometimes I curse myself for having insisted on three different distros, but it still does what I wanted it to do: teach me principles and mechanism rather than just distro-specific tricks - so I curse myself for cursing myself and know I did the right thing after all :)
@mcscx *sigh* yes - but a lot of what you find is outdated, and a lot of that is incomplete.
@mcscx anyway, I'm keeping notes (again) so ultimately I will have my own complete instructions :)
at least: it's all text, in smb.conf and in your shell sessions.You can copy/adjust smb.conf to another host. Cant do that on Windows
@mcscx actually, that's not quite true: *everything* administrative that needs to be done in Windows can be done from the command line - usually with more options than from the GUI. And if the settings are stored in the Registry, you can export them and import them in another registry - I've done that countless times.
@mcscx well, I started researching the Registry before Win95 came out - and I've always used good registry tools that provide search (& replace) - just searching is a good way to research and seeing how things work :)
@mk I recently had to make a Windows8Home interoperable with a Samba2.x server. Home has no secpol.msc so I had to add keys to registry >
@mk > of course I had to look up the keys in some forums. I was lucky & it worked, but I would have not been able to find that out on my own
@mcscx yes, I can see how that could be tricky - but it's quite simple to add and remove entries (once you know how) so if you do it step by step it's simple to experiment