76912 – the number of tracks I've scrobbled from 2005 to Oct. 2015 … http://qttr.at/1m29 #music
@grmpyoldman I got 22407. Using Spotify killed my counter.
@vinzv spotify… pffft… never liked it (even if they are from sweden ;)
@vinzv isn't it possible to scrobble via spotify? http://qttr.at/1m2a
@grmpyoldman Yes it is but I don't want so scrobble via lastfm to librefm.
@grmpyoldman Yeah, DRM and so on. But for me it's the easiest way to listen to music on various devices.
@grmpyoldman Doesn't work from mobile app which is where I mostly use Spotify.
@vinzv meh.