arrgh - Opera does strange things to my forms (and I'm not willing to spend very much time on it - I see no reason to accept that pushing a legend inside the fieldset border is 'normal' - especially when Chromium does no such thing) !grrr
Will you perform #StylesheetGymnastics so it works in Opera too, or will you code to CSS standards and make people using a broken browser see what appears to be a broken Web site?
@bobjonkman if I can come up with some minimal changes that do not break semantics and do not need to create separate code targeting a specific browser, ok, otherwise - poor Opera (or whatever browser does 'the wrong thing') #tough #css3 #theme
@bobjonkman and yes, I realize that much of #css3 is still draft or candidate recommendation - but table layout has been aroud (and used) long enough that display oddities should have been shaken out; and table layout (display:table etc.) is a natural solution for forms! #opera #css3 #theme
@bobjonkman OK, some tweaks and no semantics damaged, and some of Opera's layout problems solved. One remains, and I have no idea what to do about it (tried things, didn't work), so #tough #css3 #Opera I stop trying here :)