I see that there is a daylight savings issue in the #owncloud calendar. From what I read it will be fixed in owncloud 6 but that is a little ways off still.
#ownCloud v6 is supposed to be out this month. Developers are asking for beta testers: http://mailman.owncloud.org/pipermail/announcements/2013-November/000026.html
@bobjonkman normally I'd love to beta test but right now the upgrades are so easy from the debian repo that I'm afraid to break something by installing anything manually.
To keep #ownCloud up-to-date in production use the ownCloud repository, not the Debian one http://software.opensuse.org/download/package?project=isv:ownCloud:community&package=owncloud Import the package maintainer GPG key before doing apt-get update!
@bobjonkman actually I think that's how I did it. I remember adding a line to sources.list I think?