@whistlewright @lg yes, he was on the phone and we were both drinking tea. :-) and I was considering renting an apartment in Kandy.
@mk That's torally awesome! Ok, let us now have another cup of tea! c[_] @whistlewright
@lg we'll have a tea together when I arrive in Kandy ;-) /cc @whistlewright
@mk YES! @whistlewright
@lg fell back asleep and had a long, convoluted dream - not sure if it still was Sri Lanka, but I think so. walking a long way, through fields to find somewhere to eat something; I lost a shoe; found a place wherethey sold food - it seemed: there was a counter where you could only taste, what you liked they made fresh,and took you to their home to eat it. guests were coming from all directions, everyone carrying (but not weaing) warm winter coats. um? I ended up with a decorated box with a lot of small presents.
@mk Oh, good morning again, and that sounds complicated! :D I would like to hear the opinion of @question who claims to be a pupil of Carl Jung. #DreamAnalysis
@lg it was - this was just the short version ;)
cc !dreams
@mk Yes, started a group for !dreams after this morning's conversation with you and @howcanuhavemyusername :D !fedgroups