!debian !fediverse I need a little help: I'm trying to upgrade a package which says it's dependent on libglew1.8 but that is not installable; If I search for 'libglew' I find that I have installed BOTH libglew1.7 and libglew1.10. But the search does not bring up anything that depends on it. Can I safely UNinstall the 1.7 version to see if that resolves it?
@mk In fact, I don't understand why both these libs are even installed when it seems nothing else is installed that actually depends on on of them... ??? help?
Run the commandline 'sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo apt-get autoclean' which should remove unneeded, unreferenced packages
@bobjonkman ah, thanks! I'm busy upgrading now, then I'll re-install things I had to uninstall but cannot miss, and then I'll clean up... :-/