If you’re as pissed off by the instant search of #Google as me: It’s easy to disable nowadays: https://google.de/preferences
@drak Why don't you just use #DuckDuckGo ? it's a lot better than google search
@cyberkiller is #DuckDuckGo free software? If not, then it is not fundamentally different from #Google. #YaCy would be…
@drak Isn't Yacy just a project but not fully riped as a websearch? What about ixquick /startpage ?
@kuro If @drak objects to #DDG because it is not free software, #ixquick / #startpage are no different. Maybe #seeks?
drak gefällt das. -
@lnxw37 Yacy is not really !privacy friendly and not fully developed. #opensource is not enough! I left DDG as US-based. Ixquick in !europe
I've been thinking about !selfhosting a #Seeks server - is it a federated search engine? http://beniz.github.io/seeks/ sez "Seeks is a websearch proxy and collaborative distributed tool for websearch" and "a websearch meta search engine that ag…
@drak @cyberkiller #DuckDuckGo is the best and last way to get good internet result
@drak @cyberkiller @tupulpo +1. Seek and YaCy are not good enought like DDG. I think I remember it's parcially open, like Firefox.
@aru @tupulpo @drak @cyberkiller maybe you would like ixquick.com
@aru Firefox is free software - only the Logo is unfree.
@aru I tried ixquick years before I knew DDG existed, but it wasn't good enough for me
@aru @drak @cyberkiller :> hmmm
@moshpirittest @drak @tupulpo @cyberkiller DDG partner with Yahoo (USA, proprietary) and Yandex (Russia, proprietary) http://qttr.at/1hx8
drak gefällt das.