yay. I've got my Turkish 'e-Visa' - teh whole process is online now. :) #travel
@mk to make it even more 'e' I could put it on my phone, too. which raises the question: do I have a PDF reader yet or do I need an app?
@mk this is the time to check my OTG cable... my USB stick is immediately recognized as 'External USB Storage" and the phone took some time to check the volume - and then with the (pre-installed) File Manager it's super-easy to copy a…
@mk hmm, I could not find a way to unmount the volume and pulled teh stick out - causing a loud alarm! :-/
@mk hehe, I'm not the only one with that problem: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/coby-tablet-accessories/5586-how-do-you-de-mount-usb-thumb-drive.html
@mk of course, there's an app for that: USB OTG Helper [root] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.shajul.usbotg
@mk which page, of course, links to several similar apps