@andstatus 200 may be better,but Quitter admins would like to see Twitter users to join Quitter for ideological reasons,not for being better
@mcscx Is that really true? We're supposed to join Q for ideological reasons, not b/c it's better than T? Why this fundamentalism?
@mcscx ... or did I get you wrong?
@simsa0 well,I'm not fond of the 140 limit as such,but I accept & #like @hannes2peer's view.Q could have a ton of ppl to move here from Tw >
@simsa0 if Q raised the limit to 200 - but ppl who move to Q to get 200 will also move back as soon as Tw raise their limit to 280 chars
@simsa0 >they returned to nonfree monopolist software b/c "vendor lowered the price" / "I have a faster pc so speed doesnt matter anymore" >
@simsa0 >so focussing too much on easy-to-understand quantitative materialistic advantages can keep ppl from thinking about the deeper sense
@mcscx The downside of this is that you attract &/or keep only those interested in FLOSS for "political" reasons, which is why even Q i>
@mcscx The downside of this is that you attract &/or keep only those interested in FLOSS for "political" reasons, which is why even Q >
@mcscx > is primarily a male & geek oriented biotop, in which conversations pretty much (& pretty fast) come down to geek issues.
@mcscx > is primarily a male & geek oriented biotop, in which conversations pretty much (& pretty fast) come down to geek issues. This >
@mcscx > insularity puts Q on the same path as identica or pumpio, I'm afraid.