!linux does anyone know how to list *connected* (not yet mounted) devices and include the volume label? most suggestions I've seen are not available because the #NAS uses busybox (no e2label, no mount -l); surely the information must be available somehow?
@mk do you have access to lsblk?
@ghostdancer nope 'not found'
@ghostdancer I'm trying to see how I can gather information for a script to mount external drives by volume name instead of USB1... etc
@mk a little bit rough: ls /dev/sd*
@mk blkid, dmesg (immediately after connecting the drive).
@ghostdancer that gives me device names only, not volume labels
@mcscx blkid gives me UUIDs (I've used that) but not volume labesl
@mcscx @ghostdance also, I can use tune2fs -L<label> to *set* a label - I need it the other way round: *show* me the label
@mcscx oh wait, I spoke too soon - in the mass of UUIDs there are indeed two little LABEL= items! yay!
@mk sorry i didn't understood you well