@erkanyilmaz also, I tried to edit fstab (to comment out some things) but vi complains it's read-only (even thogh I'm editing as root) ???
@mk Either / is still mounted readonly (this is normal in early stage of startup) or you are inside an initrd (initial RAMdisk) @erkanyilmaz
@mk try mount / -o remount,rw @erkanyilmaz
@mcscx but all drives were mounted. I used a rescue CD, checked all extX devices (again, no problem), removed data from /var (while nothing mounted there), edited fstab and commented out a bunch of things; also disabled the systemd's …
@mcscx s, no I need to figure out how to get network back :( (the rescuecd DID have network, so it's not the hardware or the modem)
@mcscx also, everything is now also mounted rw - so, no errors encountered while mounting drives
@mk oh. I'm still on Debian Wheezy know nothing about systemd yet.Looks like startup is messed up & network init script & others not started
@mk on the fly you could try (assuming you're still using Fritzbox) ifconfig eth0;route add -net gw
@mcscx yes - NetworkManager (no longer called network-manager) lives in /usr/sbin, dated 2 Sep so this seems to have come with the recept updates. But I cannot start that from the commandline (it just returns) ... maybe I need to use systemd for that?
@mcscx what is the .2 and the .1 in that? FRITZ!box's IP is; btw, the LAN works: I just found I could connect to the #NAS via samba (at least I can see the shared folders)
@mcscx also, NetworkManager is actually running, but the GUI applet network-manager-gnome seems to have gone missing. looks like I hit some in-between state where the network stuff isn't fully working (or even present)
@mcscx *sigh* eth0 is UP and RUNNING; also tried 'ifconfig eth0 up' (seems to toggle UP status) followed by '/etc/init.d/networking restart' (says it's OK); also rebooted FRITZ. still no internet...
@mk the .2 was meant to get yourself a an IP.But as you say you actually *have* network,just no internet.May be either 1)no routing 2)no DNS
@mk Sounds like "a complex situation". I dont use NetworkManager on most of my machines (only on some notebooks). It adds to complexity.
@mk probably you can ping, but not ping (google). Then the route is missing. Or try ping heise.de to see if DNS works
@mcscx it is... I'm still finding hints and trying things, but no joy so far; just edited /etc/network/interfaces and replaced the 'allow-hotplug eth0' by 'auto eth0' (it seems the former may cause problems); then again ifconfig eth0 …
@mcscx I FOUND IT!!! For the whole new networking set up I had changed some IP adresses around - and apparently not rebooted since then. Turns out the /etc/network/interfaces file had the wrong gateway and primary DNS. (apparently I h…
@mcscx thanks for the help and 'handholding'! @erkanyilmaz, too! (the network manager applet for the tray is still missing - I may hav to reinstall that...). the whole thing was complicated by the fact that apparently also a slight er…
@mcscx btw I normally use three 'layers' for pinging: 1) the modem (now FRITZ @ 2) a DNS server of my ISP 3) one of my (live) domains, with a short name
@mk maybe that means NetworkManager isn't running at all, b/c as soon as it takes control network/interfaces will be ignored (AFAIK)
@mcscx but if I can see it in task manager it's running isn't it? the tray applet is just a GUI to control the NetworkManager, and options entered in there do end up in the normal configutation files. I like it especially on the lapto…