creating a virtual drive for Fedora MATE...
@mk in fact, I cannot run anything in VirtualBox :(
@mk first, an intermediate: try to REinstall virtualbox... no luck with that. So, UNinstall (this also takes virtualbox-qt and virtualbox-dkms with it) and REinstall by selecting *-dkms, which then wants the other two as well. The pro…
@mk My init.d (deb wheezy) has: vboxdrv virtualbox vboxballoonctrl-service vboxweb-service.Maybe running init.d/virtualbox start is enough
@mcscx possibly ... I have no idea where that file is hiding, because virtualbox-dkms does build vboxdrv.ko files (one for each kernel for which it builds) - but doing this *before* I re-installed VB did not work. Very confusing. But at least I'm over that hurdle.