Science (News, Articles, …) (science) Gruppe, Seite 0
Scientists gear up to drill into ‘ground zero’ of the impact that killed the dinosaurs -
Para los amigos quitteros magufos: !science
@aurochs @andresinmp I oppose gold open access (capitalism all over again). I find much more interesting approaches like and open review engines !science
blockchain technology -- Really technology with tremendous impact to financial services? -- !economy !science !privacy
@mcnalu Is the 'The Conversation' website's title claim 'Academic rigour, journalistic flair' correct in your eyes? !science
Whow, ein Beleg für die These: Fefes Blog ist nicht nur extrem unterhaltsam, sondern effektiv Bildung! !science !education
The truth is in there - Maxwell gives us the speed of light: #filk !science #physics #song
The !science of #resilience: how to teach students to persevere #psy !education
Dem #Klima auf den Puls gefühlt : — Video vom ETH Zürich !science
Tuesday, 12-Jan-16 15:30:54 UTC von web- kuro gefällt das.
„Wir sind mit der Erforschung der Effekte noch ganz am Anfang“ -- Das beunruhigt mich! !science !health
Why is the largest Earth !science conference still sponsored by Exxon? #facepalm
Schönes Skript zu Wellengleichungen: !science #physik
Saturday, 09-Jan-16 16:26:19 UTC von web- irrelefants gefällt das.
Do dogs know other dogs are dogs? !psychology !science
Based on this little study, alone, I'd say, "very likely". -
Now the user is back in the !gnusocial IRC channel asking again:
<cryptopsy> have 8kg fries, wanna make mash potatoes, does it work?
I answer there's only one way to find out: !science !science-
@mmn The only solution is to eat those fries before the desire for smashed potatoes springs up. #cheat_to_win
"How did the apocalypse begin daddy?" "We fed our last working medicine to pigs, son." — nick_appleyard
Monday, 21-Dec-15 10:08:29 UTC von web -
Great! English Abstract: !Science: "The #evolution of antievolution policies after 'Kitzmiller v. Dover'" !secular
IO9's Picks for the Top !Science Stories of 2015
'tis the season for top n lists; I find this one actually interesting.