Mit „2“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 2
Actually putting one of these tables together is ridiculously easy - it's all the rearranging things, and planning and implementing [the first part of] the new cabling scheme, plus going out and buying the required materials, that too…
most important tool #1. #2 is the compass. #wildlife
Found a bad picture. Kitten #2 is to the left
#WOW a gigapixel image of the Babbage's Difference Engine #2 shot from 7 feet away. Stacked and Stitched !photography
So we all have to campaign harder, coz @teirdes is #2 on the list.
- ... and you're actually #2 top denter in the !fediverse - only @schestowitz has 10k dents more than you. #denticator
GNU-a-Day action #2: Friends don't let friends use Windows 8. Pledge to switch to GNU/Linux or to help a friend switch.
GNU-a-Day action #2: Friends don't let friends use Windows 8. Pledge to switch to GNU/Linux or to help a friend switch.
Advantage #2 - SN is easy to install even on shared host.