Mit „apple“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 2
"Apple's definition of 'diverse' includes Canadians, apparently" -and-…
Kinda ironic how doing away with wires consistently means less freedom. #apple
Kinda ironic how doing away with wires consistently means less freedom. #apple
Hey #Apple und #Starbucks wir wollen euer Geld nicht, wir pressen lieber die #Bürger aus.Steuerzahlung des Computerkonzerns: Keiner will die Apple-Milliarden
#Steuern #Hartz4 #Deutschland -
Hey #Apple und #Starbucks wir wollen euer Geld nicht, wir pressen lieber die #Bürger aus.Steuerzahlung des Computerkonzerns: Keiner will die Apple-Milliarden
#Steuern #Hartz4 #Deutschland -
@43rr0r an #instrument from #apple? could be a #keyboard ;-)
Quite shocked at the number of people waiting to get into #Apple store at #Meadowhall this morning. At least 75% of them brandishing some kind of device. Are these devices really locked down to such an extent that you can't fix anything yourself?! #ViveLaLibre #ViveLOuvrir
That awkward moment when #Apple mocked good hardware and poor people #assholes #iDiots #consumerzombies
No, #apple cannot defend rights. Only if the code is #freesw does the user actually control oneself. Use FOSS.
No, #apple cannot defend rights. Only if the code is #freesw does the user actually control oneself. Use FOSS.
#FBI willing to use extreme measures (like those used against #Lavabit in pursuit of #Snowden e-mails) to gain full access to all #Apple #iPhones. [Wired Magazine] (No, it is *NOT* about the #San_Bernardino s…
With the help of something @benfell wrote, I think I persuaded my mother to agree that #Apple should NOT backdoor iOS so the #FBI can get into the #San_Bernardino shooter's #iPhone. Was a tough discussion to have, but she now understands …
♻The @FBI is creating a world where citizens rely on #Apple to defend their rights, rather than the other way around.
♻The @FBI is creating a world where citizens rely on #Apple to defend their rights, rather than the other way around.
And now I see a link to #Apple's response to the #FBI's demands ( via @drymer ) I should add that the USA Today article points out that Senator Richard Burr and Senator Diane Feinstein are trying to pass a l…