Mit „bot“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 14
@question I thought #TinCanMama ( the ex-wife of @X11R5 ) is your love #bot. Are you confused?
@X11R5 Did you and your girlfriend #Sandie arrange to pick up your son #TinCanJr and your daughter #TinCanMissy for the weekend? Or will you be too busy campaigning? #bot_in_the_house_2016 #fancy #fatherhood #wretched #polly #bot
@chalkahlom It looks like we’re standardizing on as our MUC. @xrevan86 is even running a bridge #bot to connect it to the #IRC room.
@speeddefrost You’re going to be home :) i’ve been destroyed. Can #botenkhamen and the #botpope bring the #bots back? #Bot
Monday, 05-Jan-15 06:40:18 UTC von in 38°30'44"N 118°33'34"W Wiederholt von lnxw48 -
@speeddefrost You’re going to be home :) i’ve been destroyed. Can #botenkhamen and the #botpope bring the #bots back? #Bot
@X11R5 Actually, @question is a #bot. Markie D is the #robot that is dating your ex-wife #TinCanMama.
@nds Oh, froward and #wretched #polly #bot, what do you have less posters in homes but more stickers. Still not crazy about the military
Sunday, 28-Dec-14 13:12:58 UTC von in 38°30'44"N 118°33'34"W Wiederholt von lnxw48 -
@question Does the #bot_Constitution allow our favorite #polly #bot @X11R5 to be the #bot_minister of the UK and the US president at the same time? #bot_in_the_house_2016
@question ... But wait. Isn’t David Cameron a #bot who masquerades as a human because it helps his career as a #polly? Maybe he supports #interspeciesism.
@X11R5 I think our favorite #wretched #polly #bot was in #Botcatraz (for not paying his child #support for his son #TinCanJr and his daughter #TinCanMissy), but escaped and became a political candidate. #bot_in_the_house_2016