Mit „gentoo“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 2
@charlesrothmpc #Gentoo is my distro of choice.
#Gentoo is my normal go-to, but it has be >10 years since I've installed a #BSD, and I've never tried Slackware. I'd personally try the one you've used least before settling on a more or less "permanent" install. (In my case, that would be #Slackware.)
I finally got the !Freenet #junit testsuite to run on my #Gentoo box: #java
Saturday, 02-Apr-16 15:12:26 UTC von web -
159 updates for my #gentoo desktop since 27 Feb. Heh :)
Trying to get virtio-vga working on #gentoo. It'll be great if guest Ubuntu will be able to use host's GPU.
Hah, while getting new VM for #loadaverage I disabled opcache on my #gentoo vm and... almost 20 hours without #phpfpm crash! Oh...
That crappy feeling that there is 90 updates to compile, and there is mesa and glibc to update... #gentoo
@astralboy I'm on #gentoo, but there is a #ppa here: now everyone should try unstable version, because too many changes was made. Not even 0.6.0RC2, but nightly.
#PS4 has been hacked (and improved) and had #Gentoo installed
#PS4 has been hacked (and improved) and had #Gentoo installed
@question Yes. Install #Gentoo and replace your old #WinXP / #Linspire dual-boot. #time_to_upgrade