Mit „gpg“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 2
Trying to get my head round #gpg so I may write a script to encrypt files before uploading them to my new STACK space - as usual by reading a lot and finding lots of examples.
Thinking about mail interface to GSTools for instance admins. I think this will be great to have something like this, until I rewrite website itself. But how to make authentication process? #gpg?
Fuck that #gnome-keyring with faulty #gpg emulation! Due to this shit I can't sign or encrypt my mails! Have no polite words to describe where gnome developers should put their hands into and never get back! >.< #rageMode
I noticed a few months ago that #Thunderbird + #Enigmail complains that long lines (usually URLs) may break #GPG signatures. I never ran into this previously. Is this common in other clients?
Added !Twister and !Bitmessage and !XMPP addresses to signature for GMX. Also a plug for using #GPG.
I know 4 people in person with whom I can exchange #GPG encrypted mails. I think it’s a usability issue.
Seen on #Libertree: RF attack vs #GPG keys !security
I'm sure you already figured this part out, but for others reading it, installing the #Enigmail add-on for #Thunderbird helps it work with #gpg / #pgp.
The Guardian: Cameron’s plan to ban #encryption is stupid and dangerous #terrorism #privacy #e-commerce #messaging #gpg