Mit „india“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 2
I just heard of the #PinjraTod (break the cage) movement --
We need a lot more of these to overthrow the draconian rules imposed by many colleges (especially private colleges) in !india. -
I just heard of the #PinjraTod (break the cage) movement --
We need a lot more of these to overthrow the draconian rules imposed by many colleges (especially private colleges) in !india. -
The battle for decriminalizing homosexuality goes on.. for a brief period homosexuality was decriminalized by Delhi high court, only to be struck down by the Supreme court saying that a High court does not have the authority on that m…
The battle for decriminalizing homosexuality goes on.. for a brief period homosexuality was decriminalized by Delhi high court, only to be struck down by the Supreme court saying that a High court does not have the authority on that m…
this is excellent, and loud: AARYAN BOYS - BANJO BEATS !listening !music #India
@question You may have given away too much information about the great #BOTenkhamen's origins, and how he became the ruler of all #bots. No one remembers when he was just a performer in a street play, portraying an imaginary magical being from the folklore of #India.
#India bans animal testing on soaps and detergents
#India bans animal testing on soaps and detergents
Studentenunruhen in Indien: Die Bastion der linken Studenten -!5279005/ „Wir wollen eine Nation der Vielfalt, der verschiedenen Religionen und Ethnien“, sagt er. „Also das Gegenteil von dem, was die BJP will.“ !India
Studentenunruhen in Indien: Die Bastion der linken Studenten -!5279005/ „Wir wollen eine Nation der Vielfalt, der verschiedenen Religionen und Ethnien“, sagt er. „Also das Gegenteil von dem, was die BJP will.“ !India
@kuttanmaash @feekary @lordmalayali @apn10 !welcome to Quitter / GNUsocial :-) Do you happen to be from #Kerala #India?
‘Censorship in #uk is Based on the Paternalistic Idea that Citizens are Not Mature’ oh, wait, he meant #india
‘Censorship in #uk is Based on the Paternalistic Idea that Citizens are Not Mature’ oh, wait, he meant #india
@question Do #robots and #bot_lovers in #India contemplate involving themselves in #interspeciesism?
!fedgroups Welcome everyone to goup !india