Mit „iot“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 2
Hurra, endlich lassen sich dank #IOT moderne Autos einfach fernsteuern #Tesla @goebelmasse
When the company behind your #smartwatch goes out of business, the watch gets really dumb. #IoT
When the company behind your #smartwatch goes out of business, the watch gets really dumb. #IoT
When the company behind your #smartwatch goes out of business, the watch gets really dumb. #IoT
@internetofshit more useful things #IoT
The assisted brain and the chained brain: — two very different #IoT stories
Tuesday, 22-Mar-16 16:46:40 UTC von web -
S.A.F.E.: how #IoT devices should be designed
#IoT wants to standardize IoT. I skimmed the spec and saw json, REST and some sort of reinvention of snmp over http. I'm not impressed.
Monday, 22-Feb-16 11:36:55 UTC von in 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"O Wiederholt von lnxw48 -
#IoT wants to standardize IoT. I skimmed the spec and saw json, REST and some sort of reinvention of snmp over http. I'm not impressed.
Der Herr Beuth von der Zeit einen lesenswerten Rant über die #CES2016 und den aktuellen Wahn, alles was nicht bei 3 auf dem Baum ist, "smart" zu machen und zu vernetzen, geschrieben #IoT #Bullshit
@jonkulp XMPP is more than federated IM as we think of IM. More like federated message passing. Might as well be between things (buzzword: #IoT) or people or you use it to negotiate realtime audio/video communication. And it is mor…
Sunday, 15-Nov-15 13:38:51 UTC von in 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"O Wiederholt von lnxw48 -
“Looking forward to 2020 when ‘hackers’ take down millions of people’s ovens and fridges on Christmas day. #iot“ — Adrian Short (on #Twitter)
#IoT: #Kynetx, #Fuse partner with carvoyant to bring your car into the Internet of Things. // I like Phil Windley, but I’m still leary of letting devices send data to remote servers for tabulation & translation into some service.