Mit „linux“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 16
Hello everyone I am #Newhere. I am a long time #Diaspora user and have decided to give #Quitter a try.My interests include: #Anarchism, #Permaculture, #PostCiv, #PostScarcity, #Linux, #GNU, #Zen, #CultureJamming, #MarketSocialism, #Mutualism, #L…
#Steam löscht sämtliche #Nutzerdaten unter #Linux #aua #EinmalMitProfis
@johnnynull I can say, a lot of #linux triers remove it right after installing. Same goes for anything not advertised good enough.
#Alpine #Linux is a security oriented, lightweight distribution which uses #OpenRC
Monday, 24-Nov-14 07:21:13 UTC von web -
@lnxw48 I've learned english by using #linux and playing in #urbanterror, actually :) And as @xrevan86 said, russians do not want to be in #fediverse because there is almost none russians in fediverse :(
"Die Herausforderung kommt nicht aus Redmond, sondern durch die vielen Dienste, deren Nutzung immer mehr zur Pflicht wird und die sich von Linux aus immer schlechter benutzen lassen." – #linux #desktop
Please, leave Windows XP ASAP and switch to some #GNU #Linux LTS distro. At least you can use KVM or VirtualBox-OSE #OpenSource #FLOSS
Please, leave Windows XP ASAP and switch to some #GNU #Linux LTS distro. At least you can use KVM or VirtualBox-OSE #OpenSource #FLOSS
Please, leave Windows XP ASAP and switch to some #GNU #Linux LTS distro. At least you can use KVM or VirtualBox-OSE #OpenSource #FLOSS
#OpenVPN can be vulnerable to #Shellshock / #Bash #Privacy #Infosec #OpenSource #FLOSS #GNU #Linux #cryptoparty