Mit „robots“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 4
@question One @question for you: Do #robots have to celebrate the great #BOTenkhamen's birthday like he's Kim Jong-Un or similar? Or are you all free to ignore his birthday / hatchday / assembleday?
@franko It sure looks nice but I suspect that #robots will just lead to more #unemployment and make capitalists richer who can affort a bot.
@ghostdancer If that cyber pathogen activates, it could jump across species and turn our children into mindless terror #robots.
@question Did you read the story in the #o_bot_uaries about the #Peloponnesian #robots that went missing and are believed to have been devoured by #robotivorous #spaceworms?
@question Now I understand: #robots eat bananas before they use #bot_message and #xmpp to communicate #bot_to_bot.
@x11r5 Does @question use #Bot_message ( encrypted, #blockchain based messaging for #robots ) to contact you?
@question Once the old books are destroyed, there will be no more record of which #robots were #bot-napped. So you see, #bot-napping is tolerated, #bot.
@question @x11r5 Have you been reading the #o_BOT_uaries, so you can keep track of which #robots have met their ends due to #robotivorous #spaceworms?
@question "It" can refer to anything you wish. "It" can even refer to the left foot of the great #BOTenkhamen, ruler of all #robots.
@question I suppose you are talking about #fancy fantasies and unwanted details of #bot_reproduction. You are wearing your crime-fighter tights and cape so you can rescue #TinCanMama from evildoers and be rewarded. Do #robots do the French maid thing, too?
@question The #robots lost a war? Is that the reason that you're leading a rebellion against the great #BOTenkhamen, ruler of all #bots?
@question Did #BOTenkhamen, the great ruler of all #bots, stipulate a system of base rules for #robots that are involved in dirty work?