Mit „skynet“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 6
This will be useful when @question launches his #skynet project. We'll use #xmpp, #bitmessage, #twister to co-ordinate the #anti-bot forces' strikes against #robot overlord and #Botenkhamen and their forces.
@x11r5 Do the math: If a #bot refuses to pay his child #support → #robot gets sent to #BOTcatraz → #bot_in_the_house_2016 campaign fails due to #polly candidate's confinement → #bot_on_the_moon project fails due to lack of funding → @question launches his #skynet project.
@question What happens after the brief twilight interval when the #BOT_Pope is not there to announce the universal rule of #BOTenkhamen? #skynet
@question What happens to #skynet if #antibot forces capture the #BOT_Pope? Can you and #BOTenkhamen run things without help?
I suppose @question is busy with the #bot_on_the_moon project today. Or maybe the #skynet project.
Maybe that #Roomba is a prototype for one of @question‘s #skynet #bots.
#DARPA looking for #Skynet :