Mit „wtf“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 4
suddenly I received your message in #xmpp! #wtf #howDidYouDoThat?
Also: die Polizei kann immer fast alles machen, im schlimmsten Fall gibts wenns rum ist ne Verwarnung,und die wird dann eben abgeheftet #WTF
Sweden is maybe the only country that allows commercial actors on community radio. #WTF
#wtf #systemd ?? Something changed after upgrade and my #Samba shares doesn't mount anymore.
#WTF. I just found out my brother is working in a prison, and it was brought up in the most depressi…
Tuesday, 24-Dec-13 08:21:43 UTC von in 49°14'58"N 123°7'9"W im Zusammenhang Wiederholt von simsa01 -
"...daß das Zertifikat für1 privates Netzwerk ausgestellt wurde um gezielt den verschlüsselten Traffic zu untersuchen" #WTF
ah on peut même faire mieux, c'est vrai : <p><span class="titre1>xxx</span></p> #WTF !?
"Israel& SaudiArabien sollen Krieg gg. #Iran planen/ Angriffspläne für d.Fall erfolgreicher Atomverhandlungen" #WTF ND:
Okay, I can't communicate with #wtf
@mk ...and one of the comments on that led to... Whitespace (programming language) #WTF
"The New Line in Performance": "In any development shop, there are always a few projects that become notorious. Resources are piled on them until failure is unavoidable." #soundsfamiliar #WTF
El Govern català en procés d'imposar un cànon a les connexions ADSL per finançar el cinema català #wtf
Catalan Government is pushing for a tax on DSL subscriptions that would finance local cinema productions #wtf