@mk This morning, with more entries in the cron log (and even the system log) I'm starting to notice some odd patterns... 1) after ONE manual ntpdate update 23:24 , I am seeing THREE updates about an hour later (all at the same time 00:30) in syslog - but only TWO entries in the cron log - after that, no more entries. 2) Meanwhile, at 23:02 (BEFORE the automated ntpdate) an EXTRA crond was started, while the old one apparently continued running. 3) From then on, the automated updatedb is successful for the NEW crond while the old crond (not surprisingly) encounters a locked mlocate.db file. Both crond's do ONE ntpd update at 00:30 - it's not clear where the third one (recorded in syslog) at the same time came fery hour one successful and one failed updatedb - but nothing else (no ntpdate) is recorded in the log... #nas #cron #confuzzled