Mit „anime“ getaggte Nachrichten
I totally fell for this #AMV: #anime #nightcore version of the #faun song Tanz mit mir
Thursday, 01-Dec-22 18:50:59 UTC von web -
I like #anime a lot, but the most common roles of women and men in many of them can be really annoying.
Saturday, 20-Jul-19 08:57:07 UTC von web -
Yuko - The Cost of the Crown: — two fandoms meet when #Filk meets #Anime in #AMV
Saturday, 21-Jul-18 01:51:37 UTC von web -
#Anime Blast Bundle of Holding: — I. could. not. resist. #RPG
Tuesday, 06-Jun-17 21:33:11 UTC von web -
Friday, 09-Jan-15 16:36:26 UTC von web
@donkrawallo ich vergaß die Biene Maja... #anime ;)