Mit „bot“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 8
@question Once the old books are destroyed, there will be no more record of which #robots were #bot-napped. So you see, #bot-napping is tolerated, #bot.
@question No, you can't kill anyone. #polly #bot @x11r5's #bot_in_the_house campaign does not need to have any unsavory characters associated. He's already far behind #Trumplestiltskin in the polls.
@x11r5 Yes, silly #bot, you are filling our browsers with tales of your adventures on the campaign trail. I wouldn't call you "just a bot" ... #wretched #polly. #bot_in_the_house.
@question Did @how and @x11rt tell you that #trans-speciesism is not yet possible, so I cannot become a #bot?
RP @x11r5: I hope you guys be interested in #experimental and #electronic #music on the #polly #bot @x11r5 lives