Mit „debian“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 8
/me is #confuzzled: the already somewhat 'suspect' external drive (suspect because its twin sister died recently) caused File Manager (Thunar) to crash an hour or so ago - and it was remounted read-only. But fschk found nothing wrong,…
Ich wollte mein mein Raspberry Pi um Software von #debian mit deb wheezy-bac…
Ich wollte mein mein Raspberry Pi um Software von #debian mit deb wheezy-bac…
I love the way I can install #debian kvm guest by just giving a url to an installer image (e.g. ) . Even better if it was #https though
I love the way I can install #debian kvm guest by just giving a url to an installer image (e.g. ) . Even better if it was #https though
@gregoriosw @theru Maybe there’s a difference then. I’m using #MariaDB 10.0 on #Debian and #Ubuntu VMs. Never a problem on multiple #OpenVZ VMs. (but occasional upgrade issues on #DigitalOcean)
@donkrawallo @heluecht @morgenland solche Dinge und das Theater um #systemd disqualifizieren #Debian und Co für mich völlig. Zumal Debian ja bekanntlich obsolete by release ist und ich möchte gerne aktuelle Software nutzen.
@daw I’ve not seen it in any repos yet ( #Debian / #Ubuntu / #Crunchbang / #Gentoo ). I thought it was #Windows-only until recently.