Mit „debian“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 9
apt-get over !Freenet works fully: — thanks to #mempo #debian
Friday, 16-Jan-15 23:51:05 UTC von web -
I just found a very useful page: #debian
“apt-get over #freenet works fully” → “use Freenet to distribute online updates” “most secure hosting option” #debian
@mk As I recall, I had similar problem with #Crunchbang that was resolved by installing a new kernel than #Debian uses. I think Crunchbang was choking on OHCI itself (and filling /var with logs, so that I needed to delete logfiles every few days).
@speeddefrost I think @nds has transitioned to #Debian instead of #Gentoo.
Let’s see whose turn it is tonight. #Festival_of_Updates Last night was “mailx”. Tonight: The #CentOS boxes get 2.6 #OpenVZ kernel headers and rsyslog; #Debian / #Ubuntu boxes get none.
Discovered that the version of #NodeJS in #Debian Wheezy & #Crunchbang lacks npm. I can install#npm separately if I wish to install the #Keybase CLI tools (but I’m leaning toward removing Node entirely).
As they wrote "We explicitly do not support really old kernels with really new systemd. So far we had the focus to support up to 2y old kernels (which means 3.4 right now), but even that should be taken with a grain of salt, as we already made cle…
the #debian maintainers decided they need no GR to decide #systemd