Notices tagged with wifi
#WiFi #problem: #KRACK Source: Finally, we confirmed our findings in practice, and found that every Wi-Fi device is vulnerable to some variant of our attacks. Notably, our attack is exceptionally devasta…
#WiFi #problem: #KRACK Source: Finally, we confirmed our findings in practice, and found that every Wi-Fi device is vulnerable to some variant of our attacks. Notably, our attack is exceptionally devasta…
I did a VoIP demonstration using my laptop as a #WiFi hotspot with !FreeSWITCH in a VM, maybe 4 connections, but it was too slow to be useful. 3 GHz i5, 8 GB RAM
Final note for today: I think I've *finally* solved my internet connection problems (with wicd on Ubuntu): When I arrived in Amsterdam the line connection worked perfectly, not a beep from the WiFi connection, and now back in Groning…
Some searching revealed that - to my surprise - Bluetooth CAN indeed interfere with Wifi. One possible solution: move Wifi to the 5Ghz band - which I cannot execute right now since the modem/router new provider has set me up with doe…
And whaddayaknow? I visit a largish field location to find that the cable modem and wireless AP won't talk to each other. I get to configure a replacement "smart" #Wi-Fi #SmartIsStupid
Arrrrgh! Why would someone buy "smart" #Wi-Fi routers? #Smart_Is_Stupid when routers "need" INET access before they can be configured.
Seem to have fixed my #WiFi woes with #Realtek's (presumably non-free) driver. Compiling software—and foreign software, at that—is not the #Debian way. I feel unclean.
@jonkulp @kulprit While still a few months to go before this year's conference, I suggest you ask your cellphone company about getting a MiFi hotspot. Then you shouldn't have to worry about #WiFi #hotel_inet login procedure. Maybe even su…
User Experience. It took quite a while for me to figure out why WiFi / WLAN wasn't working. Reason? Access Point (AP) was configure to use n standard. But the old device only supported g standard. Guess what, Xubuntu, doesn't indicate any k…
Burned again by stupid "smart" #WiFi routers that require Internet access before you can set up Internet access. #WTF #SmartIsStupid
User Experience. It took quite a while for me to figure out why WiFi / WLAN wasn't working. Reason? Access Point (AP) was configure to use n standard. But the old device only supported g standard. Guess what, Xubuntu, doesn't indicate any k…
Don't EU #WiFi boxes have multiple channels available? In US, we just find the channel with least interference from strong nearby networks so network works better.
According to #EU rules #OpenWRT shall not be possible anymore on ur #wifi – worldwide. Not what #FCC said [GER]