Mit „wifi“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 2
Too bad this has no activity for almost 3 years. Virtual Router - #WiFi Hot Spot For #Win8, #Win7, #Win2K8 server.
Hotspotting on the company Blackberry (because I have to do my daily check in) and I discover that Sandra's #WiFi works fine, just not on the #hotel_wireless. Tempted to try the #DD-WRT default admin login and see what they've done.
It looks like Sandra will be wearing #LinuxMint. #Mint is the first distro I've tried during this assignment that sees and activates the #WiFi card. I'll have to uninstall some garbage ( #Flash and #Java preinstalled ), but I'll have a usable system again.
Forgot to bring the #WiFi dongle for Sandra, so that laptop has no INET. If this assignment goes longer than planned, I'll have to go shopping.
Seem to have fixed my #WiFi woes with #Realtek's (presumably non-free) driver. Compiling software—and foreign software, at that—is not the #Debian way. I feel unclean.
… that java controller software can run on a !raspberrypi #seamless #zero-handoff #wifi #roaming
Anybody use #Ubiquiti accesspoints that come w/ a free java controller software that will give you #seamless #zero-handoff #roaming? #wifi
There was a particular Belkin #WiFi "N" router I had which seemed to overheat easily. Two of three broke in under a year. (Not dd-wrt)
I'm also highly incented to drop any app that asks for permission to turn #WiFi on or off. Let *me* decide when to connect to any network. Not the cellular company or some application provider.
@der @bobjonkman Not just your employer's computer. I used to get catalogs of MITM appliances sent to me at work. The vendors were targeting chains of #coffee shops and eateries that offered #WiFi access. I suspect you're being MITM'd every time you use Internet at a hotel, too.
@erkan I ran #Bitmessage for a couple hours on a local #WiFi. Currently only intermittent #INET access. Not sure when #Verizon will be here.