Mit „drupal“ getaggte Nachrichten
Happy 20th birthday to #Drupal, and congratulations on reaching such a significant milestone. Drupal is a GPL'd web site revision system we use extensively at the FSF. Most recently, #LibrePlanet registration!
Happy 20th birthday to #Drupal, and congratulations on reaching such a significant milestone. Drupal is a GPL'd web site revision system we use extensively at the FSF. Most recently, #LibrePlanet registration!
#Drupal 6 long term support via patches:
Saturday, 14-Apr-18 12:21:03 UTC von web -
@chalkahlom @perloid "Of or pertaining to web sites created with #Drupal"
RP PSA: There will be a #Drupal 8 core release tomorrow, find out more #security #upgrade
echo list all contributors on my #drupal site; for i in {1..735}; do wget -O $i.html$i/track ; done; du -hs *html | grep ^0 | sed s/^0[^0-9]// > 1; grep -l ">Keine Bei" *html > 2; cat 1 2 | sort -n > 3; ls *.html | sort -n > 4 ; comm --nocheck-order -3 4 3
Friday, 05-Feb-16 17:52:24 UTC von web -
#Drupal 7.39 and 6.37 available. #Security release. Update now.
I don't think it is released yet, but #Drupal has a security (?) update for drupal-core coming today.
Migrating #drupal database from #mysql to #postgresql. Feeling myself kinda better, IDK why.
Managed to get #drupal be a user controller over my LDAP instance ^_^ Next step - single login-password pairs everywhere!
@benfell Never seen it myself, but the #Drupal site suggests that it is a known issue with the date module when you don’t use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format.
@aqeel @mmn As @mk pointed out, most shared hosting users are absolute newbies. They find an ad somewhere and wind up at $GENERIC_CHEAP_HOST. They click on the quick install and wind up with a #Joomla or #Drupal or #Wordpress. If the dev…
RT @benfell Anyone running #Drupal should check their people (user) list for 'ohqqbaby'. Apparently one of the !security #vulnerabilities along the way allowed a bot to create an #administrator account with this user name. cc @question
Tried to update, failed, broke database, audoi files become unreadable. And after all of that I just say: "FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!" and installed #drupal :) But I searching for good drupal replacement right now, probably, it will be something self-written.
Tu as déjà été confronté à devoir formater des contenus .doc ou .docx en html? Je suis dans un contexte #Drupal, mais la feuille de style est assez innommable. Comme l'éditeur html disponible dans le CMS est imbitable, je le retape à la main dans Geany 1/2
Enhorabuena a @gateupm por la nueva web ¿Con qué está hecha? ¿ #Drupal ?