Notices tagged with emacs
C-x r f a … C-x r j a is a power-feature that beats full classes of IDE abilities. You can use any letter instead of a. #Emacs
Saturday, 03-Sep-22 15:56:16 UTC from web -
I use #Emacs macros *all the time* — especially for simple things like "strip this from the end of the line" or "move this buffer back". C-x C-e does the change I need. It’s hard to overstate how much this simplifies work. I did not expect that before starting with Emacs.
Thursday, 18-Aug-22 18:14:36 UTC from web -
EXWM setup for two screens: #Emacs as Desktop
Tuesday, 05-Jul-22 22:25:28 UTC from web -
elfeed and emms: listen to podcast with convenience: !GNU #Emacs
Friday, 25-Feb-22 17:38:39 UTC from web -
Get the #OWA #Exchange-Calendar in the org-agenda via ICS: #emacs
Sunday, 13-Feb-22 15:39:22 UTC from web -
Nifty: learn about #Emacs minor mode for d20 tabletop roleplaying games: