Mit „finance“ getaggte Nachrichten
"The #bitcoin #cryptocurrency was supposed to replace the #finance industry. Instead, it has replicated it.Nakamoto wanted to create a system for #payments that would circumvent governments, bankers, and corporations. Instead, Bitcoin…
"The #bitcoin #cryptocurrency was supposed to replace the #finance industry. Instead, it has replicated it.Nakamoto wanted to create a system for #payments that would circumvent governments, bankers, and corporations. Instead, Bitcoin…
"The #bitcoin #cryptocurrency was supposed to replace the #finance industry. Instead, it has replicated it.Nakamoto wanted to create a system for #payments that would circumvent governments, bankers, and corporations. Instead, Bitcoin…
Now that my internet connection is stable again (for now....) I actually got a whole lot done - very necessary, too: I need to do my VAT tax declaration, and without an internet connection I cannot even download the necessary invoice…
« Le président de la République doit protéger les lanceurs d'alerte » Par Marie-José Kotlicki, secrétaire générale de la CGT des ingénieurs, cadres et techniciens, et Dominique Plihon, porte-parole d'Attac François Hollande a salué…
« Le président de la République doit protéger les lanceurs d'alerte » Par Marie-José Kotlicki, secrétaire générale de la CGT des ingénieurs, cadres et techniciens, et Dominique Plihon, porte-parole d'Attac François Hollande a salué…
Savings interest percentages are not only ridiculously low at the moment, but differences between banks are even more ridiculous - up to almost 100%; e.g. at one bank a 10yr deposit gives 1.90% interest - at another just 1%. Fixed-ti…
Lenders easing mortgage requirements !econusa [L.A. Times] #economy #finance #fannie_mae #freddie_mac
Merry Crisis and a Happy New #Fear -> #30c3 #Surveillance #NSA #Politics #HumanRights #fail #Finance
La #finance à découvert #touvabien #kapitaklism
Sad but true, we have our priorities all wrong #war #hunger #poverty #finance
Saturday, 14-Sep-13 20:28:27 UTC von in 58°13'8"N 6°23'16"W Wiederholt von thelovebugmoved -
Sad but true, we have our priorities all wrong #war #hunger #poverty #finance