Mit „gcc“ getaggte Nachrichten
Congratulations to the GCC team on the release of GCC 10.1! #GCC is one of the oldest programs in the #GNU operating system, having released its first version more than 33 years ago. #rungcc
Assigning your copyright to the Free Software Foundation helps us defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Fredrik Strupe and Jan Willem Jagersma #Binutils, #GCC for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #GNU
GNU Spotlight with Mike Gerwitz: 17 new releases in November! #auctex #gcc #gnuastro #gnupg #linux-libre and more!
A new back end targeting #OpenRISC processors has been contributed to #GCC. → !GNU #risc !gn
Thursday, 09-May-19 19:24:04 UTC von web -
Support for the #D programming language has been added to #GCC. !GNU #dlang
Thursday, 09-May-19 19:16:00 UTC von web -
The #GNU project and the #GCC developers are pleased to announce the release of GCC 9.1. This release is a major release, containing new features (as well as many other improvements) relative to GCC 8.
The #GNU project and the #GCC developers are pleased to announce the release of GCC 9.1. This release is a major release, containing new features (as well as many other improvements) relative to GCC 8.