Mit „heartbleed“ getaggte Nachrichten
#heartbleed is CVE-2014-0160
It was four years ago whaaat -
Das #BMVI hat bis Donnerstag morgen einen Server betrieben, der für #Heartbleed anfällig war m( #Deppen #fail
@mmn @windigo My biggest objection to #StartSSL (besides endorsing the CA mafia at all) is that when there’s a big flaw like #heartbleed, those gratis certs cost money to revoke. Better to pay up front and revoke without added cost. (N…
How to improve Open Source Software Quality and security: Fund it! Only #Heartbleed is for free
Sunday, 22-Jun-14 20:46:19 UTC von web -
#HeartBleed: #OpenSSL is free software? That's lucky!
Tired of #heartbleed? The story goes on: OpenSSH sshd memory leak –
Tired of #heartbleed? The story goes on: OpenSSH sshd memory leak –
@sazius Not sure why - but in Germany ALL the press incl. the Yellow jumped into #heartbleed - not bashing, but explaining - first time.
Craziest #heartbleed SSL revocal/self-signed discussion I never expected at @sazius site
Gotta #TOR exit Node? Plz check your version coz of #heartbleed - tor will block your nodes #security
Oh - das #TOR durch #Heartbleed betroffen ist, steht heute erst bei #Heise?!? Dachte, das wäre bekannt?
!20piraten fragen mal in #NRW wg. #Heartbleed nach - sicherheitshalber, da es bisher keine Aussage gibt #piraten
Löblich - Unitymedia informiert nach #heartbleed Prüfung seine Kunden (ja, ich bin Kunde). Trotzdem das Passwort des Kd-Accounts geändert :)
Servicequeet: Da der heise-Artikel nicht auf #OpenWRT Router eingeht - Ihr seid evtl. von #Heartbleed betroffen
@lohang no, not yet - I've lost a huge amount of time with website security issues (this started just before I left!), now #heartbleed, and I also had to sort hardware (getting new external harddisks and a USB 3.0 hub); now I'm tabula…
First caught #Heartbleed "hacker" charged in #Canada cc @laurelrusswurm
ok, that was the second round of #heartbleed updates - mostly from accounts where the service actually notified me. The third will be a round of similar accounts that didn't notify me but contain important information (hosting, domain…
doing another batch of password updates - 101domain sends a 6-digit confirmation code to my email address (good idea) which turns out to consist of 5 digits, but works. ;) #heartbleed
#Heartbleed walks into a bar and says "Hello!"... (via @mart)