Mit „intel“ getaggte Nachrichten
So, #intel added this complexity for 'security' while adding BACK DOORS to its chips cui bono? #nsa #microsoft
So, #intel added this complexity for 'security' while adding BACK DOORS to its chips cui bono? #nsa #microsoft
Saw a guy at the store wearing an #Intel shirt and the word "Security" on it. Wrote IME on a piece of paper, gave it to him and left.
Saw a guy at the store wearing an #Intel shirt and the word "Security" on it. Wrote IME on a piece of paper, gave it to him and left.
RT @kzimmermann Saw a guy at the store wearing an #Intel shirt and the word "Security" on it. Wrote IME on a piece of paper, gave it to him and left.
Saw a guy at the store wearing an #Intel shirt and the word "Security" on it. Wrote IME on a piece of paper, gave it to him and left.
Saw a guy at the store wearing an #Intel shirt and the word "Security" on it. Wrote IME on a piece of paper, gave it to him and left.
Petition for #Intel to Release an ME-less CPU design – #Purism > Please sign below, allowing Purism to provide this petition to our Intel Partner Account Manage…
mentions #Intel's hardware entropy generator, #haveged, #audio-entropyd, #video-entropyd; does not mention #egd, #prngd
complex number compiler and libc bugs (cexp+conj) on #OSX and with the #intel compiler (icc) → !gcc !gnu #apple
Thursday, 24-Apr-14 20:37:09 UTC von web -
Installing #Scipy and #PyNIO on a Bare Cluster with the #Intel Compiler → !python
Thursday, 26-Sep-13 09:29:50 UTC von web