Mit „kde“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 3
Warum man sich Neptune mal anschauen sollte (Teil 1): #debian #kde
!Linux !Mint 17 “Qiana” #KDE released!
@cmhobbs C at least, but depends where you want to work, just like in industry. For web, PHP, Ruby, and (some may disagree) Perl, plus the normal front-end things and frameworks. For systems, C, !cplusplus (less so in !fs). For applicat…
the !Debian #KDE / Qt packaging team is looking for help with bugs, patches, packaging and docs - join today!
the !Debian #KDE / Qt packaging team is looking for help with bugs, patches, packaging and docs - join today!
Thanks, and no worries, I submitted a bug report . I normally use #KDE . Started spending some time on #gnomeshell after yesterday's conversation with @andresinmp :) I hope someone will look into this and find a fix. !trisquel
Thanks, and no worries, I submitted a bug report . I normally use #KDE . Started spending some time on #gnomeshell after yesterday's conversation with @andresinmp :) I hope someone will look into this and find a fix.
@andresinmp yes yes, it's there and that's how I installed #KDE #triskel (prev dent ment I have gnomeshell installed but I use KDE) @xrevan86
@andresinmp I got it installed even though I am more comfortable with #KDE. it's amazing how far #trisquel has come. And it's very good looking too @xrevan86
I’ve been running KDE (#triskel) on #trisquel for the past few weeks. This is my first time on KDE since I ditched Kubuntu 6.06. While everyone was busy debating Gnome shell, MATE and Cinnamon, #KDE has evolved into the best desktop imo. What a pleasant surprise! It looks so complete and stable. I see no reason for switching to anything else in the near future. I am not surprised that they’ve won this last year! #thinkingaloud
I’ve been running KDE (#triskel) on #trisquel for the past few weeks. This is my first time on KDE since I ditched Kubuntu 6.06. While everyone was busy debating Gnome shell, MATE and Cinnamon, #KDE has evolved into the best desktop imo. What a pleasant surprise! It looks so complete and stable. I see no reason for switching to anything else in the near future. I am not surprised that they’ve won this last year! #thinkingaloud
now my #kde started from #emacs is fully functional - thanks to `Edited ~/.xinitrc exec /usr/bin/ck-launch-session /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session emacs` found at
since I activated the #twitter bridge, my own #statusnet instance at is well-supported by #choqok again \o/ #kde
Sunday, 25-Aug-13 15:12:31 UTC von Choqok