Mit „microsoft“ getaggte Nachrichten
Our petition calling for #Microsoft to #UpcycleWindows7 has whooshed past our goal of 7,777 signers and is still climbing! Can we get past 10,000 today?
Just Friday, we asked for 7,777 activists to stand with us in calling on #Microsoft to #UpcycleWindows7. With your help we've smashed through that goal. Sign today & stay tuned for updates on the campaign!
In case you missed it: sign our new petition!!!! #Microsoft's support of Windows 7 is over - but its life doesn't have to end. Tell them to #UpcycleWindows7 by releasing it as free software.
#Microsoft's support of Windows 7 is over - but its life doesn't have to end. Tell them to #UpcycleWindows7 by signing our petition to release it as free software.
Dina Bass is a #microsoft stenographer, so if she says #github died, then it died.
RIP. Start migrating away, people... #gitlab looks OK. -
Dina Bass is a #microsoft stenographer, so if she says #github died, then it died.
RIP. Start migrating away, people... #gitlab looks OK. -
Die Lobby Doku "Das #Microsoft Dilemma" in der ARD-Mediathek: #FLOSS #OpenSource
Wie geht es weiter mit dem Bitcoin? Als Währung gedacht, doch vor allem zum Spekulieren genutzt. Der Hype um die Kryptowährung wirft die Frage auf, ob das digitale Objekt der Begierde überhaupt noch zum Bezahl…
Wie geht es weiter mit dem Bitcoin? Als Währung gedacht, doch vor allem zum Spekulieren genutzt. Der Hype um die Kryptowährung wirft die Frage auf, ob das digitale Objekt der Begierde überhaupt noch zum Bezahl…
Using #microsoft #windows in 2017 is like using a typewriter in 2007
Using #microsoft #windows in 2017 is like using a typewriter in 2007