Mit „mustardmod“ getaggte Nachrichten
@amseltier wieso nicht #mustardMOD?
#mustard and #mustard-mod both time out when connecting to !fnetworks fresh & n2 #gs instances. Thought maybe my access point was a little slow, but tests at 4,245 kb/s. Will investigate tonight.
Setting up #mustard and #mustard-mod again on old phone. I wish they offered a usable light theme. Dark is really hard to see. I will replace phone tomorrow, if carrier can fix the mess that the big box electronics retailer made in my account.
@roland I don't see anywhere to set that on regular #Mustard. I'm not using #MustardMod, so results may differ.
cc/ @kromonos RD @deavmi I love #MustardMod
Probando a subir imagen desde #MustardMOD para #GNUSocial.
Probando a subir imagen desde #MustardMOD para #GNUSocial.
@drak #MustardMod ist zwar nicht die Krone der Usability, tut aber für das Notwendigste. :-)
@bjoernb: Funktioniert #MustardMod mit, oder hast du Probleme?
Tuesday, 15-Oct-13 10:40:27 UTC von web -
@hgfernan there's also #mustardMOD and #seesmic (version 1.8.6)
Saturday, 28-Sep-13 10:24:56 UTC von in 37°35'59"N 119°0'4"W im Zusammenhang -
Hey! #MustardMod is working. Don't ask me why it suddenly accepted my connection data though O.o
Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 06:32:26 UTC von mustard.mod in 48°22'0"N 10°52'59"O im Zusammenhang Wiederholt von drak -
Hey! #MustardMod is working. Don't ask me why it suddenly accepted my connection data though O.o
Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich den Namen einer Status.Net-Instanz in #MustardMod angeben muss?
Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich den Namen einer Status.Net-Instanz in #MustardMod angeben muss?