Mit „queuedaemon“ getaggte Nachrichten
Okay. Here we go. CSU campuses need a better #queuedaemon to send graduating students across the stage without so much preceding blabla. #CSUSB
@x11r5 Killing the #queuedaemon the hard way ... does that involve North Korean ballistic missiles with nuclear payloads?
@manuel @dragnucs #LAMP is relatively easy to set up, especially if using 'shared hosting' providers. But most such hosts dislike long-running processes like the #queuedaemon. Once people have to switch to #VPS hosting, it is just as easy…
@arkhan Is the #queuedaemon running? In my experience, the #imdaemon will not run without the queuedaemon.
Wondering whether I need to look into “stomp” queues. The two instances’ #queuedaemon s (and sometimes imdaemons) will not run simultaneously except by accident. It looks like stomp can enable one queuedaemon to serve multiple instances.
Merci @jbfavre pour tes derniers patchs : presque plus de modifications personnelles de mon côté sinon pour le #queuedaemon.
I disabled #OpportunisticQM and reenabled the legacy (but well working) #queuedaemon, and I no longer have timeouts on #WebUI.
Looks like #queuedaemon eat some shit now. #crap
Falled back to #queuedaemon instead of #opportunisticqm. Will see if @mmn keep it in working state :)
Hm, #xmpp is laggy with latest #gnusocial. Probably, I will try to revert to #queuedaemon instead of #opportunisticqm.
What the hell are you doing, #queuedaemon ?
What are you doing #queuedaemon !? !sn !snbug