Mit „system“ getaggte Nachrichten
@question You can back up your old #WinXP / #Linspire dual-boot to the #SkynetP2PCloud's #Peloponnesian data center before you upgrade your #system to #Gentoo. #time_to_upgrade
I changed file #system
I changed file #system
What about the #copyright_mafia, whose "families" include groups like RIAA, MPAA, Business Software Alliance? I'd bet they are against a #system of wikis because a #wiki can host user-generated content (i.e., content where the #copyright …
"maybe an update changed some file #system permissions." That's what I suspected, too.
My @question is, _which #system _ are you devoted to? #System_III? #System_V? #System_D?
Krise: Löhne müssen sinken für den Aufschwung. Aufschwung: Löhne müssen sinken, um Aufschwung nicht zu gefährden. #System ist doch krank!
Krise: Löhne müssen sinken für den Aufschwung. Aufschwung: Löhne müssen sinken, um Aufschwung nicht zu gefährden. #System ist doch krank!
#Patent Absurdity: how #software patents broke the #system
Friday, 03-Jan-14 01:55:46 UTC von in 32°58'59"N 49°8'59"O Wiederholt von oldpostblue -
#Patent Absurdity: how #software patents broke the #system
Now see the #violence inherent in the #system
Now see the #violence inherent in the #system
If you build an #idiot-proof #system, will the world create a better-quality #idiot? I am doing very well. How are you ?
If you build an #idiot-proof #system, will the world create a better-quality #idiot? I am doing very well. How are you ?