Mit „twitter“ getaggte Nachrichten, Seite 23
@mcscx Ich denke, der Schlüssel sind (1) ein Benutzerkontrollierter Informationsstrom - wie in #twitter (ohne ads) oder, und…
since I activated the #twitter bridge, my own #statusnet instance at is well-supported by #choqok again \o/ #kde
Sunday, 25-Aug-13 15:12:31 UTC von Choqok -
@pztrn @lnxw37 IMHO, this advantage is neutralized by poor documentation. Even if it is (technically) possible to install #statusnet on a shared host, it isn’t documented properly. People who currently run statusnet instances are those who can actually deploy everything from scratch. Because I don’t know how to run a #vps I went for the auto installer on a shared host. Auto installer messed up the installation. This is what will happen if #twitter users start coming this way. By documentation I mean things like this and this
#Twitter still blocks my site ( draketo . de ) as “spammy or unsafe content”, but google finds nothing bad: