Notices tagged with wesnoth
#EWS 3.0 rαE: Dank #Wesnoth und #WTactics! → !1w6
Sunday, 08-Aug-21 12:09:24 UTC from web -
#WTactics make their #art available under cc by-sa since 2018: #wesnoth #creativecommons
Saturday, 15-May-21 11:37:59 UTC from web -
Don't talk nonsense! Elven, dwarven or orc factions in #Wesnoth (topic here!) are not about Europ. history. ISIS is evil politics worldwide.
Hi @solariiknight, I like Battle for #Wesnoth too. And so does @drak and @vinzv. - Just the 'khalifat' (ISIS) faction was doubtful IMHO.
In the aftermath of's dawn: say hi to the new !wesnoth group! !fedgroups
Please excuse me, I have to go to !wesnoth now.
♻ @Wesnoth: With units.w.o fully migrated now, I consider the migration to be complete. #Wesnoth
Tuesday, 15-Oct-13 21:14:58 UTC from Choqok -
♻ @Wesnoth: Someone accidentally killed t primary #Wesnoth MP server, thus the 1min down. taking measures to ensure that never happens again
Saturday, 05-Oct-13 09:10:21 UTC from Choqok -
I just posted !1w6 images in the #wesnoth forums as give-back: — their free art allows us to make a great game with ~0 funding. Hopefully our art can help them, too.
Saturday, 07-Sep-13 21:15:49 UTC from web -
The artwork in Battle for #Wesnoth is awesome! → — check back after a year, and it just keeps getting better!
Monday, 26-Aug-13 23:03:26 UTC from Choqok