usuari de #gnu #linux i parlant #esperanto docent, usuari d'Emacs, LaTeXaire i nyu vegetarià. "Que no pare la roda!"
orgmode Gruppen-Mitglieder
Liste der Benutzer in dieser Gruppe.
msaliko msaliko Esperantujo
james james Mooresville, NC, US
geek, hacker, developer, infrastructure engineer, father of 2, not always in that order.... Interests at the moment include decentralized/federated web, GNU Guix, GNU Shepherd, HURD.
eibhear eibhear Dublin
Irish * Admin of * Free Software user and supporter * Civil Liberties enthusiast * Opposes centralised control * Solutions Architect
solariiknight solariiknight
Electrical engineer pretending to know a lot about computers. Refined atheist. OSM mapper, free software advocate, runner, cyclist. A wanderer exploring the roads less travelled. Afraid of high voltages. Reluctantly political. Deputy sysadmin of If …
mythenhacker mythenhacker Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt
Mythen, Hacking und Legenden.
nds nds Portland, OR, USA
Biblical studies and I accidentally work in research IT. GPG 0x2456a92df07bd909 Email/XMPP at the address attached to above key.
jost jost Tallinn, Estonia
nonconformist, UNIX enthusiast, free software advocate, reader of innumerable books, dreaming of autonomy, teaching at the Estonian Academy of Arts
aroque aroque
msantana msantana Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
Debian l10n Portuguese team member, electronic engineer passionate about technology, free software and open standards.
lxoliva lxoliva Campinas, SP, Brazil
Free Software Evangelist. GNU speaker. Recipient of FSF's 2016 Award for the Advancement of Free Software. FSF Latin America board member. LibrePlanet São Paulo activist. Maintainer of GNU Linux-libre, and co-maintainer of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU binutils …
arunisaac arunisaac Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Amateur radio operator (VU3VJF) and electronics hobbyist, lisp/scheme programmer, politically left-leaning (maybe anarchistic), free software advocate, currently pursuing a PhD in Computational Science from the Indian Institute of Science.
qbi qbi Jena
Ich werde nach und nach zu Mastodon wechseln. Mein Profil findet ihr unter
lohang lohang Sri Lanka
I have moved to Please follow me there. I am keeping this account as a backup and to interact with those who cannot reach my main account due to #fediverseproblems
mcscx2old mcscx2old Germany
mcscx2 is my German-speaking account. My English-speaking account at
hosh hosh Wahat al-Salam
Born in the UK (1956). Living in Israel - Palestine most of the time.
el3ctron el3ctron Macondo
Latinoamericano, cardionauta, ingeniero de sistemas, amante del arte, el hacking y las cosas hechas con cariño e inteligencia.