Emacs Org-Mode (orgmode) group
Just finished writing my resume in !orgmode. I can convert it to pdf to send to recruiters, (odt export seems problematic at the moment). I can also convert it to markdown for inclusion into my website running #ikiwiki. I now have …
Just finished writing my resume in !orgmode. I can convert it to pdf to send to recruiters, (odt export seems problematic at the moment). I can also convert it to markdown for inclusion into my website running #ikiwiki. I now have …
@moaz786 I am not particularly pro-LibreOffice. I prefer doing my writing in !orgmode . But LibreOffice is the best I can do when collaborating with those who don't like plain text.
Is the !orgmode web site down?
Grr. My typo. It's orgmode.org, and not org-mode.org. !orgmode
I'm looking for people, who build their website with Emacs und orgmode (no static site generator or other tools). If you have, post a link to an article, where you describe how you build your site. If you don't have an article, feel free to wr…
- mcscx repeated this.
@mythenhacker I build the !Freedombone site using Emacs org-mode. https://freedombone.net
The site is very basic, but org-mode allows me to edit and deploy html pages in a very simple and fast way which keeps the maintenance to a minimum. -
My website (http://www.gibiris.org/) is built with o-blog version 1 (https://github.com/renard/o-blog/tree/o-blog-v1). If/when time permits, I'll do either an overhaul of the styling, an upgrade to v2, or a replacement with something else.…
I have several project sites built with org-mode. Example: http://www.draketo.de/proj/py2guile/ — others: gnupg.org is built with org-mode!
richardbaeck and mythenhacker like this.
Emacs Org-mode: Use good header ids! https://writequit.org/articles/emacs-org-mode-generate-ids.html — great, practical and useful article!
Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 06:58:41 UTC from web-
And a nice !Emacs setup: https://github.com/dakrone/eos/blob/master/eos-org.org
the article and !emacs setup are from @thnetos
and here’s the !Emacs !orgmode export setup for the web style: https://github.com/dakrone/ox-tufte
richardbaeck likes this.
@lohang @tobias after poking around in Zim (fueled by !coffee) I've decided that it can do what I want to be able to do, especially with regard to organisation of files by date, and by topic. Only main question is how I get titles au…
It looks very capable (more than when I tested some apps several years ago), and checks nearly all the boxes. It definitely has good ways to organize notes and not be forced into one way of doing it. But for my *current* requirements…
Inspired by the success my friend had, I decided to give #Fedora 24 a go. Was surprised and inconvenienced to find #Emacs 25.1.1 in it. It could not render #Unicode #Sinhala characters properly. This is a must-have feature since I do almost al…
Does anyone know a way to convert footnotes to endnotes when exporting to ODT from !orgmode ?
- mcscx repeated this.
!orgmode mailing list is totally awesome
@stigatle I love !emacs !orgmode :-) I use it for all the writing/translation work I do. There are som…
@jim @haveheart I use !emacs for all the writing, editing and translation work I do. I use either !orgmo…
@kzimmermann @cmhobbs #Jekyll is my first choice. But it's going to be a problem if you want to update it from your phone. Another option is using !orgmode to maintain a publishable project. See http://orgmode.org/manual/Publishing.html They h…
Managing web #bookmarks with !orgmode: http://karl-voit.at/2014/08/10/bookmarks-with-orgmode/ — Sounds like an almost perfect setup !emacs
Wednesday, 14-Jan-15 10:47:24 UTC from web- lohang likes this.
#Unicode-Characters for #TODO-States in !Emacs !Orgmode: http://draketo.de/english/emacs/todo-letters
Monday, 12-Jan-15 17:12:34 UTC from web -
Just did my personal home page (http://sergiodj.net) today using !orgmode (helped by a few tutorials on the web). Amazingly easy and beautiful :-). The only downside is that I am completely useless at web design, so I used a CSS styl…
The Actual !OrgMode Experiences: http://www.avarthrel.org/blog/2012/01/actual-org-mode-experiences !Gnu !Emacs for #writing #prose
Monday, 19-May-14 21:48:19 UTC from web- el3ctron likes this.