Mit „bitbucket“ getaggte Nachrichten
#Bitbucket lesson: However great a service, if it is bought by the wrong company, it goes down the drain ⇒ only depend on #freesoftware
One of the things I like from #Bitbucket that doesn't have is that you can enable anonymous issues in your projects, which means people don't have to create an account on Bitbucket to be able to report issues.I usu…
One of the things I like from #Bitbucket that doesn't have is that you can enable anonymous issues in your projects, which means people don't have to create an account on Bitbucket to be able to report issues.I usu…
@discussthang On this instance? Pulling the latest from #BitBucket. I disabled it a while ago, so I was going to get the latest before re-enabling it.
Interesting. Atlassian, the company behind the #Bitbucket #code-hosting beehive, has released a GUI client for #git and #hg, available on #Windows and #MacOSX.
@morph I disabled #Textile when @mmn announced the bug, but there is still nothing about it on #BitBucket. I'd like to try to submit fix, so @bavatar can publish secured version.
Created forks in #BitBucket for #Dispersion and the SN/GS #Textile plugin, but I've done nothing at all to them yet.
@knuthollund The #Textile plugin is hosted in this #Bitbucket repo: CC: @bavatar @tobias
I hope my teammates do not miss my tonight's work, #Bitbucket is faulty and I cannot push anything